By DJ DelBuono, Pure Goalie Manager
When choosing a goalie blocker it is important that the goalie pick the blocker that works best for his or her style. The size of the blocking surface correlates with the size of the palm. Different palms, inside wrist protection and finger protection will affect the way the goalie holds his or her stick. Therefore, the goalie stick should be used in the fitting process. For the best fit, it is suggested that the blocker be tried on along with the chest and arm protector, as well, since differences in palm position on the blocker board, the curve of the blocker, and the cuff affect how the two pieces of equipment work together.
Some quick tips when trying on blockers...
- -Have the goalie put the blocker on.
- -The goalie's hand should fit comfortably in the blocker palm. An ideal fit should allow for no more than ¼” between the goalie's fingertip and the top of the fingerstalls. Too much room in the palm will not allow the goalie to grip and control the stick properly.
- -Have the goalie test the stick in different way… hold the stick in his or her comfortable stance and try the paddle down position. By doing these movements, he or she will have a better idea how the particular blocker will perform on the ice.
Check out all our gear and fitting videos at thePureHockeyDotComYouTube Channel
Goalie Glove Sizing
When choosing a goalie glove, the most important consideration is to make sure the goalie can close the glove. Every glove opens and closes differently based on a variety of factors, so you want to make sure that the goalie can open and close the glove easily, and that his or her hand position is comfortable. Differences in the cuffs of different gloves all affect how the glove works with the goalie's chest and arm protector. For the best fit, it is always a good idea to try the two pieces of equipment on at the same time to make sure they will work well together.
- -Have the goalie put the glove on.
- -Open the backhand portion of the glove and determine goalie's finger position in the stalls.
- -Make sure that the goalie's fingers can fully wrap around the break of the catch glove.
- -Fasten the wrist and hand straps.
- -Once you determine that the goalie's hand is big enough for the glove, and it is secured properly, have him or her open and close the glove.